Over 518 detailed boat plans, schematics, cutting patterns, material lists for ALL types of boats.
Simple to navigate and search option that provides for quick cross referencing between plans
Fully illustrated 3D color photos and diagrams to help aid building and provide visual explainations
A "must-have" for seasoned builders and anyone interested to build their own boats
" The Dream of Building or Owning Your Own Boat Can Now Be A Reality "
Everybody has the dream: Build a boat in the backyard and sail off to join the happy campers off Pogo Pogo, right? But how? Assuming you aren't independently wealthy, if you want a boat that's really you, you gotta build it yourself.
The plans for boat building offered here on this website are based upon my many years of boat buliding experience- you'll find no better source of information and proven boat plans anywhere on the internet!
" What If I'm Not The Handyman Type? "
No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult carpentry construction methods and distill it down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
The best part is, you don't need any boat-building experience to build the boats – these plans will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.
You'll receive simple, easy-to-follow plans that will allow anyone from any walk of life to build their very own boat, and for a fraction of the cost of buying one. With minimal supplies, and a very small cost, you'll get your boat on the water in no time!
We have several groups of high school and college students working on MyBoatPlans right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!
Look. The amount of plans and easy-to-follow information I have thrown into this package is just ridiculous. especially once you find out how little I'm charging.
As I've mentioned, building boats is my life, and I have a deep passion for it. I know you're going to be thrilled when you get your high-quality, illustrated boat plans and get to start building your dream boat! In fact, several other boat builders just like you have already had the privilege of trying out my plans.
Dont' just take my word for it...
See These Recent Testimonials From
Our Satisfied Customers :
I don't know about you, but in this day and age, with the Internet at our disposal, I rarely make a purchase without seeing what end-users have to say about the product. I 'd like for you to read what people are saying about MyBoatPlans...
It's a joy to learn from a master boat builder like Martin Reid...He goes over everything from wood selection, to dimensions to remember when building your boat. With great illustrations and easy to read photos, this collection is filled with information from cover to cover.
Money and time are the limited disposable resources, and Martin convinces me that I can do it if I try. Even if you are only dreaming about building a wooden boat, MyBoatPlans will simplify your dreams. Highly recommended! Frank Holmes Portland, OR
What a great collection! I had a hard time putting this down and find myself going back often to compare boat designs.
There are enough different designs to satisfy most boat builders. The plans are excellent in detail with step-by-step instructions and this has saved me so much time. I've spent weeks looking for stuff like this. Well worth the few bucks.
I bought these plans and building started last June 12th and it was ready to launch August 8th . I've been building boats since I was 11 years old...a long time ago!...and wish these plans were around, then. Martin Reid is the real deal. His materials are very informative and inspiring...an excellent investment for anyone who is interested in building boats.
Hope you enjoy the pictures attached. I am 65 years old but still chasing the dream as you see from my smile in the boat.
I can't recommend Martin enough. I've read and re-read all his guides and it's fueled more than one fantasy boat. The attention to details and the step-by-step photographic instructions makes this simple and easy to follow for anyone. All I can say is: do not build a boat without reading this first!
This collection of complete boat plans, instructions, and boat-building tips is simply wonderful.
Martin's designs include all of the traditional construction techniques plus glued plywood and taped seam plywood; there are fishing boat plans, sailboat plans, bass boats, rowboats, sailboats, and powerboats. For my money, this is the best money you can spend.
If you've read this far, then you're maybe starting to imagine or are getting excited about MyBoatPlans! The best part is you can do this too, it's easy , and you don't need any experience.
Countless professional and amatuer boat builders are now using MyBoatPlans and the benefits are just too many. In fact, if you are looking for best Boat Plans & Designs to make any project easy and hassle free, this will be the best investment you'll ever make...
I know I don't have to do this as this offer is already a complete no-brainer, but I'm going to throw in a few bonuses to help out my fellow boat builders even more.
As these bonuses are limited in copies, I'm only giving them if you order today ...
3D Boat Design software offers you a professional, fully detailed high performance boat design CAD Software package that gives increased freedom in modeling knuckle lines, allows surfaces that can contain holes and lets you build even the most complex shapes that can be created with just one surface.
If you've been using software to design your boats, you'd know that traditional CAD Software that offers similar features costs $100's or even $1,000's.
This is a fantastic offer because this boat CAD Software is included FREE for anyone who purchase MyBoatPlans today.
BONUS #2: Complete Boat Builder's Guide " Over 600 Pages Of Illustrations" (Real Value: $39.90)
In this guide, you'll learn:
It contains all the most valuable tips and tricks that have ever been written about boat building!
BONUS #3: BOAT BUILDING SECRETS " Secrets From The Professional Builders! " (Real Value: $59.95)
This is a hard-to-find classic book that discusses the fundamentals and practical details for building boats. It's a must have for anyone looking to build boats!
SPECIAL BONUS: MEMBERS Q&A FORUM (Real Value: $17 Per Month - Free If You Order Today!)
So you're not only getting the MyBoatPlans collection, but you're also getting 4 bonuses worth $174.90 + the private forum access. These bonuses are limited, so if you want to get your hands on this, you need to place your order today.
Once you go into the details of what each bonus contains - you'll see this is a COMPLETE system to start building boats the easier and smarter way! These bonuses are available for free if you order now.
"There's Literally Nothing Else Like These Boat Plans On The Market Today"
That's a statement I do not take lightly. I've been bulding boats for almost 31 years and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.
Let's compare MyBoatPlans to other alternative options:.
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